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How to Become Irresistible in Sales

Sundays, January 7-28, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST

Victor is top of his class. Join his class to learn so much about selling! -Chad Beachy, North Valley marketing

Step one:

Register for the training

Step two:

Take lots of notes

Step three:

Apply what you learn

He shared 4 powerful ways to get referrals. I implemented one of the ways to get referrals and I actually got a referral today!!!
Yaa Astar
Health Coach

What You'll Learn

Many business owners are getting tuned out by their prospective clients because they keep telling them facts about what they do instead of stories of how they solve their customers’ problems. You’ll learn how to tell the story of why you matter to your customer, so they pay attention and want to do business with you.

Grab Them at Hello

Create an elevator pitch that positions you as a problem solver in your customer's life right away.

Create Engaging Content

Look at the video below.

Your Network is Your Net Worth

Build a tribe of people who love you, refer you, and market your business for you.

Be a Problem Solver

Know how to be seen as someone who solves problems instead of just pitching a service.

Make the Emotional Connection

Research says people are 4 times as likely to do business with you when you make the emotionall connection. Nuff said!

Active Listening

Learn how to listen to your customer and see how they give you the information you need to sell to them. Just be quiet and let them talk!

Make Sales a Lot Easier by Consistently Posting Great Content

Stop working so hard to follow up with people on the back end. Create content on the front end that makes them want to follow up with you.

Eliminate the Guesswork from Sales

3 Keys to Closing the Sale Faster

Learn the secrets behind making a successful in sale in less than half the time. Download your free guide and make your selling easier than ever before!

What They're Saying

Victor has helped my business and me be seen more in different ways. His strategies have helped me in multiple areas, including public speaking, and interviews.
Patricia Lee Stohlberg
Founder, Read 21
Excellent brand network specialist. Victor educates his clients while he helps them to clarify their message. He is consistent, persistent, and insistent on getting the best out of people. I'm glad to be working with him.
Trevor Singleton
Single Source Coaching Solutions
Working with Victor has been a pleasure and I feel much more confident in my branding as a result. If you're looking to take your brand to the next level, I highly recommend working with Victor. He's truly a talented and experienced coach who wants you to succeed!
Heidi Kaufman
EXCELorated Client Solutions

Reserve Your Spot Now

Don’t miss out on an event that could change the course of your business!

Struggling to get referrals, wasting money and time on marketing? Victor will dive in deep with you and help you succeed in your business.
Senida Salinas

Early Bird Special ends 12/15